- 'British HIV Association (BHIVA)' Annual & Autumn Conferences (Various venues, between 2-3 days, 2001-2007).
- 'Children's HIV Association (CHIVA)' Annual Conference(Birmingham, 1 day, 2007).
- 'The New York Experience - HIV/AIDS': Following a ten day study tour, I was one of the main organisers for this National Conference, focusing upon experiences, issues and responses to HIV/AIDS in New York City, USA, with three invited speakers from New York City (Leicester, 1992).
- '4th Social Aspects of AIDS Conference': Presenter of a Conference Workshop ('Whose AIDS Is It?'), focusing upon aspects of a research study I conducted in 1989 (London, 1990).
- 'AIDS Impact' - Biopsychosocial aspects of HIV infection Conference (Brighton, 4 days, 1994).
- 'Common Purpose - National Conference' (London, 1 day, 1994).
- 'Personal Safety: From Policy to Practice' - Conference Speaker (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Reducing Violence in the Community' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, Leicester, 1998).
- 'Personal Safety at work: Reducing the Risk' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Reducing the Risks for Lone Workers' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 2000).
- 'Understanding Workplace Violence' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Amnesty International: East Midlands Regional Conference' - Presenter and member of discussion panel (Leicester, 2004).
- 'Delivering the HIV & Sexual Health Strategy' (Sheffield Centre for Sexual Health, FPA & Dept of Health, London, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Marketing for the Voluntary Sector' (Directory of Social Change, London, 1 day, 1995).
- 'Valuing Diversity in the Workplace: A Conference on Equal Opportunities' (Training & Enterprise Council, Leicester, 1 day, 1999).
- 'Fresh Blood - Future of Sexual Health' (KIKASS, BMS & Crusaid, London, 1 day, 2003).
- 'Uneasy Access: Black & Minority Ethnic Women and HIV' (NAZ Project, London, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Shaping the Future of the HIV Voluntary Sector' (George House Trust, THT & APPGA, Manchester, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Choosing Health in Leicester' Conference (Leicester, 1 day, 2005).
- 'Leicester Centre for Ethnic Health Research 1st Anniversary Conference' (Leicester, 1 day, 2006).
- '9th Annual CHAPS Conference' - Gay Men/Men Who Have Sex with Men (CHAPS/THT, Leeds, 2 days, 2006).
- ''Surviving HIV, Identifying New Challenges' National Conference (University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, 1 day, 2006).
- 'Festival of Post-Graduate Research' - Member of Judging Team(University of Leicester, 1 day, 2007).
- 'Changing Tomorrow' (UK Coalition of People Living with HIV, Leicester, 2004).
- 'Youth Action Network' - Annual Conference 2010 ('Youth Action Network', Birmingham 15&16/3/2010).
- 'Youth Arts Transforms Lives ' Fact!' ('English National Youth Arts Network', Northampton, 15th June 2010).
- 'British HIV Association (BHIVA)' Annual & Autumn Conferences (Various venues, between 2-3 days, 2001-2007).
- 'Children's HIV Association (CHIVA)' Annual Conference(Birmingham, 1 day, 2007).
- 'The New York Experience - HIV/AIDS': Following a ten day study tour, I was one of the main organisers for this National Conference, focusing upon experiences, issues and responses to HIV/AIDS in New York City, USA, with three invited speakers from New York City (Leicester, 1992).
- '4th Social Aspects of AIDS Conference': Presenter of a Conference Workshop ('Whose AIDS Is It?'), focusing upon aspects of a research study I conducted in 1989 (London, 1990).
- 'AIDS Impact' - Biopsychosocial aspects of HIV infection Conference (Brighton, 4 days, 1994).
- 'Common Purpose - National Conference' (London, 1 day, 1994).
- 'Personal Safety: From Policy to Practice' - Conference Speaker (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Reducing Violence in the Community' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, Leicester, 1998).
- 'Personal Safety at work: Reducing the Risk' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Reducing the Risks for Lone Workers' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 2000).
- 'Understanding Workplace Violence' (Suzy Lamplugh Trust, London, 1999).
- 'Amnesty International: East Midlands Regional Conference' - Presenter and member of discussion panel (Leicester, 2004).
- 'Delivering the HIV & Sexual Health Strategy' (Sheffield Centre for Sexual Health, FPA & Dept of Health, London, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Marketing for the Voluntary Sector' (Directory of Social Change, London, 1 day, 1995).
- 'Valuing Diversity in the Workplace: A Conference on Equal Opportunities' (Training & Enterprise Council, Leicester, 1 day, 1999).
- 'Fresh Blood - Future of Sexual Health' (KIKASS, BMS & Crusaid, London, 1 day, 2003).
- 'Uneasy Access: Black & Minority Ethnic Women and HIV' (NAZ Project, London, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Shaping the Future of the HIV Voluntary Sector' (George House Trust, THT & APPGA, Manchester, 1 day, 2004).
- 'Choosing Health in Leicester' Conference (Leicester, 1 day, 2005).
- 'Leicester Centre for Ethnic Health Research 1st Anniversary Conference' (Leicester, 1 day, 2006).
- '9th Annual CHAPS Conference' - Gay Men/Men Who Have Sex with Men (CHAPS/THT, Leeds, 2 days, 2006).
- ''Surviving HIV, Identifying New Challenges' National Conference (University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, 1 day, 2006).
- 'Festival of Post-Graduate Research' - Member of Judging Team(University of Leicester, 1 day, 2007).
- 'Changing Tomorrow' (UK Coalition of People Living with HIV, Leicester, 2004).
- 'Youth Action Network' - Annual Conference 2010 ('Youth Action Network', Birmingham 15&16/3/2010).
- 'Youth Arts Transforms Lives ' Fact!' ('English National Youth Arts Network', Northampton, 15th June 2010).