As soon as we're born, we're expected to be,
the image so fitting for the gender decreed.
Living with ridged labels applied,
whether Male or Female; Gay or Straight;
Lesbian, Trans or Bi.
To fit their perception of a good little girl,
don't question or challenge,
or have a thought of your own.
Always remember to love, honour and obey.
Be a hawk in the Boardroom.
A Mother and a Wife.
A goddess in the kitchen,
and a ‘whore’ in the night.
Being judged by the clothes that fashion temps you to wear.
By the size of your breasts,
and the colour of your hair.
By the height of your heels,
and the glow of your skin;
or how big your bum looks
in tight fitting jeans.
Aspire to be Beyonce, Rhianna or Kim.
Those icons of 'perfection',
so you can detest your own skin.
Stock up on the products.
Inject your own face.
Cut bits off your body,
and eat less and less.
Follow each diet, new fad or regime,
or the next "thinspiration" from another magazine.
Those bibles that dictate how women should be.
How they should look and behave.
To avoid getting older, as something to fear.
Where your bum is too big.
You orgasm too little.
Your breasts are too small,
and your hair is too brittle.
Where your teeth aren't so white,
and there’s some fat on your tum.
There's a hair near your top lip,
and a zit on your bum.
Where your curves are not "killer".
Your bodies are not "beach".
You never "work your wardrobe",
and you keep becoming the crap that you eat.
When craving a boyfriend, from a chart-topping band.
Make sure your vagina's symmetrical,
and shaved nice and neat;
and never get caught with no make-up,
or un-pedicured feet.
You should be the boss in the bedroom.
Have sex every day.
Share each shag on your 'Facebook',
and vibrate your G-Spot away!
But hold the front page of these 'lifestyle' mags.
Is there something being missed,
amongst the glossy covers and ads?
As Men get rightly criticised for objectifying Girls,
those Women who create such judgemental rags,
just become richer and richer, to buy more ‘Prada’ bags.
Whilst most other Women risk abuse every day;
and in their part-time jobs exist on minimum wage.
Worrying more about paying their rent,
than what new make-up to wear,
or what goes on in their beds.
Copyright: Gordon Warren (2014)
As soon as we're born, we're expected to be,
the image so fitting for the gender decreed.
Living with ridged labels applied,
whether Male or Female; Gay or Straight;
Lesbian, Trans or Bi.
To fit their perception of a good little girl,
don't question or challenge,
or have a thought of your own.
Always remember to love, honour and obey.
Be a hawk in the Boardroom.
A Mother and a Wife.
A goddess in the kitchen,
and a ‘whore’ in the night.
Being judged by the clothes that fashion temps you to wear.
By the size of your breasts,
and the colour of your hair.
By the height of your heels,
and the glow of your skin;
or how big your bum looks
in tight fitting jeans.
Aspire to be Beyonce, Rhianna or Kim.
Those icons of 'perfection',
so you can detest your own skin.
Stock up on the products.
Inject your own face.
Cut bits off your body,
and eat less and less.
Follow each diet, new fad or regime,
or the next "thinspiration" from another magazine.
Those bibles that dictate how women should be.
How they should look and behave.
To avoid getting older, as something to fear.
Where your bum is too big.
You orgasm too little.
Your breasts are too small,
and your hair is too brittle.
Where your teeth aren't so white,
and there’s some fat on your tum.
There's a hair near your top lip,
and a zit on your bum.
Where your curves are not "killer".
Your bodies are not "beach".
You never "work your wardrobe",
and you keep becoming the crap that you eat.
When craving a boyfriend, from a chart-topping band.
Make sure your vagina's symmetrical,
and shaved nice and neat;
and never get caught with no make-up,
or un-pedicured feet.
You should be the boss in the bedroom.
Have sex every day.
Share each shag on your 'Facebook',
and vibrate your G-Spot away!
But hold the front page of these 'lifestyle' mags.
Is there something being missed,
amongst the glossy covers and ads?
As Men get rightly criticised for objectifying Girls,
those Women who create such judgemental rags,
just become richer and richer, to buy more ‘Prada’ bags.
Whilst most other Women risk abuse every day;
and in their part-time jobs exist on minimum wage.
Worrying more about paying their rent,
than what new make-up to wear,
or what goes on in their beds.
Copyright: Gordon Warren (2014)