Following fourteen years as a Fleckney Parish Councillor, including one year as Vice-Chairman; Chair of the Human Resources Committee; and four years as Chairman, my involvement had to unfortunately come to an end following the May 2015 elections, due to having become ineligible to continue having moved out of Fleckney.
‘Fleckney Parish Council’, by working together with others, has the aim of providing leadership and vision to hopefully make Fleckney a better place to live, work, study or visit. This includes working to influence, encourage, support, promote and work towards achieving:
· Increased opportunities for recreation, sport, leisure, social and educational activities, to contribute towards a healthier and more active population.
· Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
· Enhancing a sustainable local economy and services.
· Provision of appropriate, sustainable and affordable local housing.
· A local natural and built environment that continues to reflect the rural nature of the Village and the surrounding landscape.
· Appropriate, sustainable and affordable public transport.
· The promotion of local democracy, accountability, community involvement and participation.
The Parish Council employed seven staff, with a precept for 2015/16 of £122,400, budgeting to spend £385,000 in 2015/16, and anticipating receiving £372,000 in income from the Precept, Grants & Contributions and charges for services and facilities.
Whilst the Parish Council employs a range of paid staff that make a significant contribution to the smooth & beneficial running of the Parish Council, it also needs to be recognised that Parish Councillors are all volunteers who fit in duties and responsibilities mostly around full-time jobs and busy lives, offering their knowledge, skills, interests & experience, whose contribution is greatly appreciated.
There have been many developments, particularly improved planning, organisation, policies & procedures; achievement of 'Quality Council' status; additional sports & recreational facilities, activities & events; a well-used skatepark; new land for recreational development; thriving allotments; cleaner streets; new dog waste & winter salt bins; support for local groups; challenges to inappropriate housing developments; support for anti-speeding initiatives; and a new youth shelter & pre-school play equipment.
During my time, I was particularly involved in:
· Health & Safety policy, procedures and guidelines.
· Employment & personnel issues, including staff recruitment (including 3 Parish Clerks and a full-time ‘Sports Development Officer/Facilities Manager’ & three maternity leave replacements), as well as conducting probationary reviews and staff appraisals.
· Student placement organisation, supervision, and being practice teacher.
· Youth issues.
· Evaluation, including design & implementation of Parish Councillor Review/Evaluation online surveys & Skills Audit.
· Representing the Parish Council at Planning Appeals.
· Attending and speaking at the annual Remembrance Day parade and service, representing the Parish Council, and laying a wreath of remembrance on behalf of the Village.
· Holding informal talks with various developers to gain more information about proposed housing developments in the Village; and devising and having agreed a protocol to highlight the basis on such involvement and consultation that would be expected from any developers.
· Being instrumental in drafting a Parish Council Mission Statement and an outline of key aims & objectives to help focus activities, influence planning, and help support funding applications.
· Representing the Parish Council at events, meetings & presentations, including greeting the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire’s visit to mark the awarding of ‘Field in Trust’ Status for a village recreation ground.
· Chairing Parish Council meetings & Annual Parish Meetings.
· Participating in a Community ‘Speed-Watch’ campaign.
With ambitious plans for future new facilities; the prospect of more housing developments in the village; increased traffic & pressure on local infrastructure; and further Government & Local Authorities cut-backs threatening local services (such as library, roads & transport), a thriving Parish Council with a full quota of active Councillors, and an engaged local community, is needed now more than ever.
Following the ending of my involvement, I would like to thank the many past & present individuals & groups who have contributed in so many ways to the success of the Parish Council and to the benefit of the village. It was a pleasure to have lived in Fleckney for 13 years, and being involved with the Parish Council and the life of the village (including spending some time coaching young people with the ‘Fleckney & Kibworth Running Club’).
Best wishes for the future.
Gordon Warren
Fleckney Parish Council Website: www.leicestershireparishcouncils.org/fleckney
Following fourteen years as a Fleckney Parish Councillor, including one year as Vice-Chairman; Chair of the Human Resources Committee; and four years as Chairman, my involvement had to unfortunately come to an end following the May 2015 elections, due to having become ineligible to continue having moved out of Fleckney.
‘Fleckney Parish Council’, by working together with others, has the aim of providing leadership and vision to hopefully make Fleckney a better place to live, work, study or visit. This includes working to influence, encourage, support, promote and work towards achieving:
· Increased opportunities for recreation, sport, leisure, social and educational activities, to contribute towards a healthier and more active population.
· Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
· Enhancing a sustainable local economy and services.
· Provision of appropriate, sustainable and affordable local housing.
· A local natural and built environment that continues to reflect the rural nature of the Village and the surrounding landscape.
· Appropriate, sustainable and affordable public transport.
· The promotion of local democracy, accountability, community involvement and participation.
The Parish Council employed seven staff, with a precept for 2015/16 of £122,400, budgeting to spend £385,000 in 2015/16, and anticipating receiving £372,000 in income from the Precept, Grants & Contributions and charges for services and facilities.
Whilst the Parish Council employs a range of paid staff that make a significant contribution to the smooth & beneficial running of the Parish Council, it also needs to be recognised that Parish Councillors are all volunteers who fit in duties and responsibilities mostly around full-time jobs and busy lives, offering their knowledge, skills, interests & experience, whose contribution is greatly appreciated.
There have been many developments, particularly improved planning, organisation, policies & procedures; achievement of 'Quality Council' status; additional sports & recreational facilities, activities & events; a well-used skatepark; new land for recreational development; thriving allotments; cleaner streets; new dog waste & winter salt bins; support for local groups; challenges to inappropriate housing developments; support for anti-speeding initiatives; and a new youth shelter & pre-school play equipment.
During my time, I was particularly involved in:
· Health & Safety policy, procedures and guidelines.
· Employment & personnel issues, including staff recruitment (including 3 Parish Clerks and a full-time ‘Sports Development Officer/Facilities Manager’ & three maternity leave replacements), as well as conducting probationary reviews and staff appraisals.
· Student placement organisation, supervision, and being practice teacher.
· Youth issues.
· Evaluation, including design & implementation of Parish Councillor Review/Evaluation online surveys & Skills Audit.
· Representing the Parish Council at Planning Appeals.
· Attending and speaking at the annual Remembrance Day parade and service, representing the Parish Council, and laying a wreath of remembrance on behalf of the Village.
· Holding informal talks with various developers to gain more information about proposed housing developments in the Village; and devising and having agreed a protocol to highlight the basis on such involvement and consultation that would be expected from any developers.
· Being instrumental in drafting a Parish Council Mission Statement and an outline of key aims & objectives to help focus activities, influence planning, and help support funding applications.
· Representing the Parish Council at events, meetings & presentations, including greeting the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire’s visit to mark the awarding of ‘Field in Trust’ Status for a village recreation ground.
· Chairing Parish Council meetings & Annual Parish Meetings.
· Participating in a Community ‘Speed-Watch’ campaign.
With ambitious plans for future new facilities; the prospect of more housing developments in the village; increased traffic & pressure on local infrastructure; and further Government & Local Authorities cut-backs threatening local services (such as library, roads & transport), a thriving Parish Council with a full quota of active Councillors, and an engaged local community, is needed now more than ever.
Following the ending of my involvement, I would like to thank the many past & present individuals & groups who have contributed in so many ways to the success of the Parish Council and to the benefit of the village. It was a pleasure to have lived in Fleckney for 13 years, and being involved with the Parish Council and the life of the village (including spending some time coaching young people with the ‘Fleckney & Kibworth Running Club’).
Best wishes for the future.
Gordon Warren
Fleckney Parish Council Website: www.leicestershireparishcouncils.org/fleckney